Friday, February 22, 2008

Daddy & Kennedy's Jungle Shadow Box

Wednesday night after dinner, Jordan went to take out the trash. When he came in from the garage he was all lit up holding my new running shoes box and said, "I have something I want to make with Kennedy-when is her next show and tell?" I said, "Tomorrow, but it has to be something that goes with the unit, the letter, or the number they are studying." He said, "What's their letter?" I said, "J." He said, "Perfect!"
And he immediately started explaining to Kennedy about and how to make shadow boxes. I don't know who was more excited-seriously. He said, "We can do a jungle!" So, they went to work. Jordan and Kennedy-both-drawing, cutting out, and taping for about an hour. They were so cute and had so much fun together. Kennedy is so blessed to have a daddy that takes such an interest in her and honestly enjoys their time together. As a wife, I am blessed to have a husband that is a daddy like that for my children.
So, they completed their jungle shadow box, and Kennedy took it to school the next day. She said the kids loved it and asked to look at it over and over again! She was so proud of her and her daddy's project. Great job, Daddy and Kennedy!