Jackson Helps With the Bath!We gave Jackson the measuring cup-and yes, Chandler got a lot of water in her face! But, she didn't seem to mind. They both had fun. He loves his baby sister and is very hands on with her. And, thankfully, at least for now, she is very patient with him!! It was very sweet to watch!
What's New With Kennedy?Kennedy had her first experience with an IPod this weekend. I'll start by saying Kennedy loves Hannah Montana! Saturday evening, Jordan downloaded some Hannah Montana songs to his IPod for Miss Kennedy. Then he plugged in some earphones and let her listen to the songs. She was BEYOND excited. We were all treated to a 30 minute concert with our baby girl singing to the top of her lungs-and getting some of the words right! It was too cute. She is SO BIG these days!
Jackson's Saturday Surprise!Jordan and Kennedy came home from Wal Mart with Jackson big boy "Diego" pajamas! He was so excited he screamed "Eigo Go!" (He doesn't say the "D") He loves watching "Go Diego Go"!
He wore his pajamas all Saturday and again today! It was the perfect present!
Chandler Eats a Biter Biscuit!
After lunch I was inspired with the idea to give Chandler a Biter Biscuit when I noticed her picking up "crummies" -as Kennedy calls them- of the kids crackers in the living room floor and putting them in her mouth.
She is in the throws of teething and gums anything in sight. We have a leftover box of Biter Biscuits from Jackson that is still good-one of the benefits of back to back babies, I guess :) - so after reading the box to see if she's "ready" to have one, Jordan and I decided to let her try. She did great. She loved it and I know it had to feel good on those gums! You can see her bottom 2 teeth-that's right 2 teeth- about to cut through the skin. She is following her big brother's footsteps of being an overachiever and cutting 2 at a time!
Looks like it was a fun weekend for all!
ok so a few things. Jack in a tank top is awesome. I would pay to see a Kennedy concert. I am curious as to why "so big" is in quotations. Jackson looks super soft in his PJ's. And I am so proud of my little monster Chandler for doing such a great Groucho Marx impression. M-yeah!
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