Kennedy, 6, is our perfect combination of a tomboy and princess. She is full of life, energetic, strong willed, independent, dramatic, entertaining, artistic, funny, and loves to perform. She is a care taker, big helper, and a great big sister. She is our little environmentalist, has a heart for Jesus, is very tender hearted and wants to make a difference where one is needed. She is the answer to our prayers and the spice of our family.
Jackson, 3, is our very kind, sweet and thoughtful little boy. He is an encourager which is just one of the things that make him such an amazing son and brother. And, he is all boy. He loves cars, trains, dinosaurs, and animals. He loves to jump, be outside, play at the park, and take baths. He is very much like his daddy in looks and personality. He is Jackson, Jack or Jack Jack to us- our little miracle and a breathe of fresh air and a joy to our family.
Chandler Grace, 2, is our very petite, feminine and mischievous little girl. She is the busiest of the 3. Always exploring, climbing onto or getting into everything. She constantly keeps us on our toes. She is "Baby" to her big sister and little brother and tries her very best to keep up with them. She is sweet and full of spunk. Another miracle, and the perfect addition to our family.
I cannot even imagine the turmoil that was going through your heart and head. Did you call the school to find out if the bus made it safely to the building? I probably would have driven secretly behind the bus :).
No. But, seriously, it crossed my mind. And Jordan made me promise not to.
Good for you Kim! I had to go through lots of convincing to let my girls ride the bus too, but they love it! I do call every year and get a full detail report (me just asking about 30 questions) on our bus driver. It always makes me feel better, and it has been a blessing that I don't have to wake up the others to take AB to school. It looks so dark! AB catches the bus at 8:20 a.m. Wow! I would be in for a huge change if she had to catch it that early. Kennedy looks just so cute, and I hope she just loves it!
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