Monday, August 18, 2008

Kennedy's 1st Soccer Game

Sister SupportOpening Ceremonies

Look at my baby go!
Kennedy competing in the games at Opening Ceremonies
GO Kennedy GO!

Our champ!
Kennedy with Uncle Kyle and Katy

Kennedy's biggest fans!
Well, we are still smiling from Kennedy's first soccer game on Saturday!
They had opening ceremonies before the games began. First they played music while each team was announced and the players ran through an archway of black and white balloons and down the middle of 2 lines full of parents cheering! It was so neat. I teared up and was so proud-how do these parents at the Olympics stand it??!!
Next was a contest between the different age groups and only 4 of the many teams represented each age group. They chose 1 person from each of the 4 teams and KENNEDY WAS PICKED!!
We were all so excited!
She had to push a giant soccer ball down around a cone and back-she did great.
Then our baby had her very first soccer game.
Uncle Kyle and Katy were also there to cheer her on which made it extra special.
She did an awesome job-she even blocked a goal!! We didn't even know she knew to do that. She also had many good runs with the ball and came close to scoring! She had a big smile on her face the entire game-which was best of all.
She only sat out once for a short period of time and while waiting to go back in she helped herself to Uncle Kyle and Katy's munchkins! That's my girl-cramming in doughnut holes during the middle of a game!
The funniest part was when Kennedy had the ball once and 2 boys were charging her from the other team she would turn circles around the ball to keep them from getting it-so funny.
After her game we all went to Five Guys for lunch before saying goodbye to Kyle and Katy.
It was one of those perfect days. As my frined April pointed out, I guess this makes me a soccer mom. A dream come true. What can I say? It's great to be Kennedy's mom.


Jennifer Floyd said...

What a fun day!!! Honestly, I have no idea how Olympic moms do it!! I want to cry every time Emma just rolls over!!! :)

Amanda said...

Way to go Kennedy! She looks so cute in her uniform and looks like she had a blast. I love the picture of her running by smiling. I've thought several times that I can't imagine how proud Michael Phelps mom and other Olympic mothers feel. I get so excited and proud when Gracen takes a few steps!

Whitney said...

Good job Kennedy! She looks like she is having sooooo much fun- you should be proud of your little star!