Kennedy's Daisy Scout troop, and their mothers, went to the Charlotte Youth Ballet to see Sleeping Beauty this afternoon. Even though it was pouring on the drive there, and the long walk in, and even though it was 3 hours long, (hard for a 5 year old-well mine anyway, and for me) we had a great time, and it's a memory I'll always treasure.
Saturday, March 28, 2009
Sleeping Beauty Ballet
Kennedy's Daisy Scout troop, and their mothers, went to the Charlotte Youth Ballet to see Sleeping Beauty this afternoon. Even though it was pouring on the drive there, and the long walk in, and even though it was 3 hours long, (hard for a 5 year old-well mine anyway, and for me) we had a great time, and it's a memory I'll always treasure.
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Chandler Grace is at the age of yelling your name, having you respond, and then, nothing else.
The past few days have been filled with her yelling, "JA-SEN" over and over.
This is responded to, and I mean, every single time, with "What, Baby? I'm lis-a-ning" from her very patient older brother.
What sweet sounds.
Friday, March 20, 2009
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Tuesday, March 17, 2009
Happy Birthday to Me!
I celebrated my 33rd St. Patrick's Day Birthday today! Jordan and Kennedy took the day off from work and school to join in the celebration. Balloons were everywhere when I came downstairs. My wonderful husband gave me one of the best gifts by letting me sleep in (first time in years) and got up with the kids. I walked downstairs to find balloons everywhere! The kids were SO excited. We had a great day. In keeping with tradition, Jordan took Kennedy and Jackson to the Dollar Tree to pick out my birthday presents. We enjoyed a great dinner at Cracker Barrel, or Cracker Bella, as Jackson called it. (Thank you, Dad & Mom!) We had a great time despite the fact Kennedy spilled her drink and Chandler Grace dropped her bowl that broke on the floor. Sigh.
We had cupcakes and presents when we got home. The kids even colored paper and used it for wrapping paper! Kennedy picked out grape scented bubbles for me, and chose an Easter card for my birthday card! Jackson picked out a small silver frame, and chose a sympathy card for my birthday card! Ha ha! That cracked me up.
I got cards, phone calls, facebook birthday wishes, emails, money, tulips, Cracker Barrel gift certificates, a shirt and a book from friends and family. Great day. I'm very blessed.
Saturday, March 14, 2009
Daddy Daughter Dance
I took you to get a dress and you picked it out all by yourself. I was very surprised at how decisive you were. You never wavered after making a choice, even though you tried on MANY dresses.
You chose to wear your silver sparkly dress up shoes.
Daddy ordered your first corsage and chose a pink rose with purple ribbon. Roses are your favorite flower and pink and purple are your favorite colors. He did good-I didn't even know he had ordered one for you.
In addition to coming home with a corsage, he had another surprise for his princess.
He gave you a real tiara to wear to the ball. You were beyond excited. And you really looked like a princess. You are our princess.
At the dance, all of the Disney Princesses were there! They had finger foods, fruit, cake and a punch fountain, which Daddy said you were very impressed with.
You danced with Daddy some of the time, but mostly with your friends. Daddy even captured some of it on video!
I got a text last night from Daddy that read:
Here is what I just heard. Dad, I don't want to dance with you. You're a terrible dancer.
Poor Daddy. We died laughing about it later! Let's just say, with you, Kennedy, we never have to wonder what's you're thinking! You don't intend it to be mean-spirited, but you are honest to a fault!! We got a kick out of it.
Daddy also told me after you got home, that you said it was the greatest night of your life.
What a wonderful memory for you and Daddy!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Kennedy Reads Her 1st Book!
We were so happy to see her excitement about it and then her enthusiasm when she exclaimed she wanted to read another one! Just wonderful.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Chandler Grace
(catch up for 19, 20 and 21 months)
Things you Say:
Shanna for Chandler
Shoo Shoo for Choo Choo
Ti toe-Tip toe
I tink for I stink
Gan for Again
Shah bow for Shadow
Show Shoe for Hold You
KeeDee for Kennedy
Ja Son for Jackson
Sheesh for Cheese
Co Co Co Wara for Cold, cold, cold water-which is all she ever drinks except for smoothies
beebee for Baby
Calls camera Cheese
K for Okay
Says MINE constantly for anything she wants
Toot (whenever she does it; and laughs about it)
Down -when she wants down out of her high
Bi pay for Diaper
Cacker for Cracker
Mo Mo for Elmo
Shesh for Yes
Shoosh for Shoes
Sone for Phone
P'wo for Pillow
No for Snow
Side for Outside
Hannah for Hannah Montana!
She She for Gigi
Bah for Ball
Pee pee
Poo poo
Cody (when The Suite Life of Zach and Cody is on)
BuCu for Blue's Clues
D go for Diego
Kwee for Lightening McQueen
Toyeez for Toys
Ki for Kyle
Coke (when she sees my drink!)
Says No-even if she means Yes!
Says Umma if you ask her any question
Peesa-for pizza and for paci
Hewo for Hello
Biyee for Bye
Night Night
Sowwy for Sorry
My Turn
Teeth-when she wants to brush her teeth
Manna for Banana
No for Nose
E uh for ears
Juh nan for Jordan
Ki-ying for Crying (says when someone is crying-K, J or someone on TV)
Things You Do:
When asked can correctly identify nose, ears, eyes, tongue, hair
Counts 1,2,3
Hold anything up to her eye like a camera and says
Pretends to feed us and rubs our belly saying Mummy for Yummy
Answers No for anything even if she means Yes
Strips daily
Loves books
Says pillow when she's tired
Sings (well sounds out the tune with jibberish and a few correct words!)Taxi, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, Best of Both Worlds, A few Wiggles songs, God Made the Big Round Sun-with motions
Does Pat-a-cake
Daredevil-favorite thing to do right now-jump off ottoman onto bean bag about 20 inches away. Says, "Turn! 1,2,3, Jump!"
When asked what does the train say, makes the motion of pulling the cord and says "Shoo Shoo!" for choo choo.
Very much a little lady -soft sweet voice, graceful, gentle UNTIL...
Temper, temper, temper! Makes a screeching yell sound, runs and falls in floor or runs and finds something to hit
Can answer right for what does a cow, horse, dog, cat, monkey and rooster says
Points to and says square when she sees one!!!! (Thank you, Jackson!)
Closes doors
Constantly takes ALL of the shoes off the shoe rack and puts them back on.
Loves to pull baking sheets out from oven drawer
Loves to pull out all of the plastics from the one cabinet that isn't child proof
Climbs onto and Stands everything
Loves to wear hats and shoes (dress up)
Eats crayons
Loves to wear socks and shoes-even if she's in her pajamas-she always wants them on!
Says sorry even if someone hurts her
Run if we say come here snickering all the way!
Let's Kennedy hold her like a baby
Wants hugs from Kennedy and Jackson
Best eater
Doesn't like milk or potatoes
Loves to talk on the phone and pretend to talk on the phone
Loves her class at church
Just some things I wanted to get down for you since I haven't been faithful to write or scrapbook. CG-you are such a mess and such a joy!
Monday, March 9, 2009
Summer in March
How odd that this post and the Snow Day post are only 5 days apart. Monday we built a snowman, and Saturday we played IN SHORTS at the park!
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