Thursday, September 24, 2009

Happy Adoption Day, Kennedy!

Ah, one of my favorite days of the year is here -Adoption Day! It was on this day, 5 years ago, that Kennedy's adoption was finalized. So, we celebrate this day every year with a party.
I really can't express in words the love we have for our daughter, the joy she brings daily to our lives, and the bond and connection we've always felt with her. How thankful we are that it was God's plan to bring us together the way that he did.
I'm thankful for a young woman who chose to give her life, and chose for her to have a home with a daddy and a mama, where she was wanted more than anything.
Happy Adoption Day, our precious Kennedy!

The Chosen One
by Wendy Silva

An empty space that needed a child to love in order to be fulfilled.
Then we saw you, and knew that
together a family we could build.

When you entered our home, laughter
replaced the silence and harmony filled the air.
It was hard to imagine all the prayers and
sleepless nights, but finally you were there.

We were meant to be together, no
matter what circumstances arose.
Because you, my precious one,
are the child that was chose.

"the Lord has done this, and it is marvelous in our eyes"
Psalm 118:23

1 comment:

Whitney said...

What a fun celebration! Is that a cake? LOVE IT!