What is your name: Kennedy Jordan Harr
When is your birthday: June 27, 2003
How many sisters? 1
How many brothers? 1
How many pets? 0
What is your favorite color: Pink
What is your favorite food: Steak
What is your favorite thing to do at home: watch TV
Where is your favorite place to go: Chuck E. Cheese
We took her out Friday night to celebrate-she chose Red Robin and we had an awesome time! Afterwards, we drove through McDonald's so she could use the free desert card the school gave her for being chosen Star Student of the week and she chose the hot fudge sundae with nuts.
Congratulations, Kennedy! Gigi said it best:
We are so proud of you, just for being you, but then you always give us extra special things to make us even prouder!
We love you and are so excited for you being chosen Star Student of the Week!
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