Saturday, October 24, 2009

Camp Out

The camp site

The whole kid crew (minus Michael):
Matalyn, Matasyn, Jackson, Seth, Garrett, Kennedy
Parker, Payton, Caleb


Getting a little help from Uncle Josh

Her 3rd hot dog!

Having dinner around the camp fire
Stayed up with all of the kids until midnight!

Daddy & Jackson

Roasting marshmallows-all by herself!

Caleb, Kennedy & Matasyn

Saturday morning

This year Jordan, Kennedy & Jackson got to participate in the "Dad and kids camp out" on our family farm!
Jordan's cousin, Nathan, and his older 3, Matasyn, Matalyn and Michael; Jordan's cousin, Jeff, with his older 3, Payton, Caleb and Seth; and Jordan's brother, Josh, with his older 2 boys, Parker and Garrett.
4 brave dads along with 10 kids endured the cold and had a marvelous time!

1 comment:

Collins Family said...

Looks like they had a blast!