Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Sweetest Things...

Okay, so the first thing to catch up on is precious things that Jackson said to me at different times all sometime early in June. Well, 3 things to be exact:
1st) I'm holding Jackson and he is holding my face and gazing at me (like he's in love which makes me and Jordan crack up) for a minute or so and says, "Mama, you cute"! I couldn't believe he said it. Now, I'm sure he only knows to say this because I've only told him a million times that very thing, but he really looked like he meant it and it melted my heart!
2nd) Jackson came up to me and with the most sincere face and loving eyes says, "I so proud of you"-This sounded very slurred as it came out which made it even more adorable.
3rd) Last but not least, Jackson would come up and grab me and say, "I love you SO much" The emphasis on the so and once again, it coming out with a struggling slur, makes a Mama get tears in her eyes-at least this one did!
These 3 things are stamped on my heart, and I will never forget them.


Holly said...

So so sweet! My heart melted just reading it too. I'm glad you are back in the blogging world. I missed ya!

Dallas said...

Glad you're back to blogging! I've missed seeing your adorable children!!!!! And that Jackson, melt my heart. I've always heard there is something special between a boy and his mama.

Whitney said...

Precious! I'm glad you're back- I've been missing your posts!

April said...

Precious! Glad your computer is fixed.